Empowering Sustainability


Our mission to improve the world's forests creates biomass from improvement projects. After years of careful planning, we are pleased to be forging ahead with the plan to take biomass and gasify, then use GTL processes to create sustainable fuel to power our economy.

We're working closely with carbon developers to use the biomass generated from activities such as thinning, spacing, and pruning as well as wildfire mitigation. This biomass is then collected, processed and transported to a processing facility where it is rendered into gas through biomass gasification. The gas is then converted to liquids through GTL processes using FT methods. This creates a low carbon fuel derived from improving the sequestration potential of the forest and removing wildfire risk.

Shiftcore Energy was founded to tackle the growing need for low-carbon, renewable jet and diesel fuels and the growing problem of catastrophic wildfires in western North America. We are uniquely positioned with the right engineering, technologies, management, and commercial partners to deliver sustainable biofuel with attractive financials and a scalable model.

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